I ve come to this page so many times but I have nothing to write! Grrrr...wats wrong with me. I ve become a voyeur of other ppl's blogs I d rather read those than write my own!
Actually I am not a supporter of anyone it's just that it makes me sad to see if anyone is victimised. One colleague rightfully commented this fact: He got sodomised at 2 30 pm on 26th and on 28th he went for check up and got samples of DNA from inside/outside the anus. The question is: Didn'nt he pass any motion during that 2 days? (or take a shower for that matter)
Bravo my friend, you dont have to spend so much money on lawyers for such simple logic.
Hello Again!
I have been staying home for almost one month now. I had a hysterectomy
done on 9 August 2018, after which I was given a 42 day MC.
Staying home is not so ...
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The Haze Did Not Help
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Allah akan mengugurkan bersamanya dosa-dosanya seperti pohon yang
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Opah Checks In...
Here I am, back again for the umpteenth time, with yet another promise to
stay committed (and not really believing if I ever could). The flesh has
been we...
I am a person of many facets and sometimes I want to go inside the core and be who I am. Not the mother, not the wife, not the corporate person, just me. This may just be my last refuge