The photogenic mathematician
Finished the material for coaching my staff. Yeyyy! Feels so accomplished. I have been distracted lately. The works for the upcoming performance feedback session are stressing me up.
I have been reading up and doing a lot of research on of all things, human resource management!But still I wonder if I m doing the right things. Hubby is supposed to get some good pics for his company brochure today. He is sometimes very photogenic, unlike me, who s always pretty off camera,hehe. Perasan la tu..
Hmmm dah lah baju raya tahun ni hanya sepasang, lepas ni nak pegi office raya gathering, weekend ni nak pegi beraya nak pakai baju mana pulak ye? Eish.
Elly still doesnt call out Mama yet, which is ridiculous because she can call out to Daddy and Kakak.
And Kakak is breaking out in rash , poor thing, her PMR is just next week. Everytime I look at her I feel so much love and pride. Years really have passed, she was the baby I used to hold in my arms. I fell in love with her when she was born. I wrote a poem to her, cried the first day I left her at the nursery,smiling secretively in the office when I recalled her antics...now her PMR and gosh, I have not contributed much to her studies except paying for her tuition!
Me and my eldest, we always fought with each other whenever she got home from school (Now, she's in the US, furthering studies in Bio Tech). We rarely agreed with each other on many things. But, on Hari Raya day, after talking on the phone with her brother and sisters, aunts, uncles, her father,granny etc..etc..she asked for me...and I could't speak! speechless! And she kept on calling, "ibu..ibu.." I broke to tears and she said, " love u, ibu". Cherish every moment u have with your children, Ins. You might not have enough time to hold them longer than you want to one day.
Dear Ins
Good luck to Kakak for her PMR. Tak perasan she is sebaya with my eldest. Your new born Elly pun is so cute. Jangan stress stress lah on the review.
Betul lah tu Yong, my daughter has been my bestfriend since she was 6 yrs old n forced to mature fast. Since now I have found a new adult bestfriend, I always feel worried in case I would somehow lose that special bond.
Yat, hehe, I ve been worried abt performance feedback session for my vendors, not for my own!! I m way past that phase nak worry on PPA!!:P
Both of u, selamat Hari Raya,maaf zahir batin!
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